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Summary Seminar Humanitarian Logistics 6/12/18

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Logistik Bandung organized a seminar about "Humanitarian Logistics: How To Optimize Humanitarian Relief Distribution in Emergency Situation" on December 6th, 2018. The seminar was attended by students of STIMLOG Bandung and other universities such as Institute of Transportation and Logistics Trisakti. The speakers were Dr. Ir. Isya Dana Nurachmat, M. Sc. who worked for Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources specialized in Volcanology and Dra. Prasinta Dewi, M.A.P as Director of Logistics in BNPB.

Logistics of humanitarian assistance is an activity of planning the implementation and control of the flow of humanitarian assistance and the flow of information effectively and efficiently from the point of origin to the point of consumption with the aim of reducing the suffering of disaster victims.

Dr. Nurachmat explained If an earthquake has occurred, then it will happen again in the future. But when and some of the damage is unpredictable. mitigation strategies identify the level of vulnerability due to earthquakes and prepare the community to anticipate disasters in mapping earthquake prone areas or earthquake-prone zones. Local regulations on earthquake-resistant buildings must be disseminated to the public and indirectly vehicle poster booklets and leaflets on drawings and procedures for anticipating them in emergency responses, investigations in order to compile a detailed pack of earthquake-prone map maps. And calming the community and technical recommendations to the local government in response to earthquakes in the event of an earthquake providing responses and technical recommendations to the local government and monitoring and mapping of active faults monitoring and faulting active faults on land with many settlements and population activities to compile maps prone to earthquake disasters.

Dra. Dewi explained Disasters according to the Constitution 24 events or processes made for various types of activities caused by victims and property. Very common is high uncertainty and difficult to predict when it occurs. Every disaster is unique and never the same, so it must be handled specifically and not necessarily as a routine activity. And dynamic and complex because of one cause. And the mother said that the blue triangle has meaning meaning human, which means cooperation, collaboration between government, society and entrepreneurs. And that's where human money can walk. In human logistics activities, it is stated that we may not choose the nearest or far place (which must be done from the nearest) must be given assistance because the law is mandatory.

Technical implementation of logistics management and disaster management equipment:
1. Investment needs
2. Procurement
3. Reduction
4. Distribution
5. Transportation
6. Removal

Policy and strategic deputy for logistics and equipment:
1. Prioritizing logistics and equipment in disaster-prone areas
2. Encourage logistics preparation areas and equipment according to their respective characteristics
3. Strengthening the APBD budget for regional logistics and equipment operations
4. Establish logistics and equipment management information systems
5. Acting in the world of local businesses in disaster management

Humanitarian supply chain: is the integration and collaboration of various parties in managing the flow of information-goods, in the logistics of disaster management there are three stages, namely:
1. preparation stage
* This stage refers to various operations that occur before a disaster occurs
* prepare contingency plans for operating plans and mapping of logistics resources
2. Phase response
* This stage refers to the various operations that are performed when the plan has just occurred
* activation of the logistics network implementation of contingency plans and planned operations
3. reconstruction phase
* this stage refers to the operation after a disaster occurs along with the rehabilitation process
* Preparedness for logistical planning for future disasters that may occur


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